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2023 State of Win-Loss Analysis: Key Insights and Trends

Are you winning enough deals to drive revenue and fuel growth? It’s more critical than ever to understand why you’re winning and losing deals, at least that’s what 98% of respondents reported in our 2023...

The Product Manager's Playbook for Generative AI

Artificial intelligence and generative models like ChatGPT have enormous potential, but it can be challenging to connect them to concrete business objectives. Our new ebook 64 AI Prompts for Product Managers provides you with prompts...
Category: Uncategorized

Analyze: Unlock Actionable Insights for Business Growth

Data plays a crucial role in enabling organizations to build models and harness the power of data to uncover actionable insights that drive business success. However, it’s important for data practitioners to analyze the data...
Category: Data Science

Journey into the World of Product Roadmap Methodologies

The main objective of a product roadmap is to communicate your product strategy to stakeholders. But If you choose the wrong approach, your roadmap might just get everyone lost. This guide will help you: Understand...

How to Make Your Design Stories Shareable

Whether you’re speaking to stakeholders or teammates, delivering stories that motivate your audience to take action is essential—and difficult. Pragmatic Design’s newest ebook explores the world of “shareability,” and how you can leverage different techniques...
Category: Design

Creating a Shared Language: How Pragmatic Helps Align Your Organization and Product Team

Are you frustrated with training programs that teach employees specific skills without considering how those skills fit into the broader context of your organization? Do you want to create a shared language across your organization...

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